April 15, 2024 Meeting

In Person Meeting with virtual component

Charity of Choice: Lupus Ontario

Donations: $ 12,356



Lupus Ontario’s mission is to provide vital support, education, awareness, advocacy and research through the fundraising efforts of our staff and volunteer community to help those with lupus live longer, healthier and better lives.

While we are a provincial organization, these funding requests are for local initiatives serving Halton-Hamilton.

The charitable organization serves the following population:

Lupus Ontario is a voluntary organization dedicated to improving the lives of people living with lupus. This includes providing support for lupus patients and their caregivers.

There is a significant need in our community for a local support group.


The Boris McMaster Lupus Clinic in Hamilton serves Halton & Hamilton regions. The Lupus Ontario Anne Matheson Biobank is being developed to provide an important bioresource for researchers to study lupus and help provide answers to those living with lupus, as well as allowing physicians to better diagnose the condition and predict potential future problems. Bio samples will be collected from patients in Halton/Hamilton and has the potential to make a significant difference to those in Hamilton, Halton, and the surrounding areas who suffer from lupus.

The donated funds would be used for:

1. Launching a Halton-Hamilton Support Group (facilitator training, technology upkeep for the virtual meetings, and costs associated with twice-annual in-person meetings)

2. Continue funding the launch of The Lupus Ontario Anne Matheson Biobank

The Organization’s current sources of funding are

  • Individual donors
  • Corporate donors
  • Foundation donors

 We receive NO government funding.


Other Presenting Charities:
